Create the Right Cover: The Book Cover Journey

Designing a book cover. People do judge a book by its cover. Not only does the front of a novel draw their attention, but the back cover matter needs to pique their interest to the story inside. Most of this blog will address how I decided on the front designs to...

Creating Character Names: The Name Journey

Creating character names for your novel. I first encountered an image of the mythological Lilith years ago during a tour of The Cloisters Museum in Upper Manhattan. I was baffled by the concept that Adam had a wife before Eve. My curiosity was piqued. Here’s a brief...

Types of Writers: The Pantser Journey

What type of writer are you? Conventional thought within the writing world avows there are two types of writers: Pantsers and Plotters. The preference for which method to use depends on the comfort zone of each author. As the name implies, Pantsers write by the seat...

Florida Writers Association: The Conference Journey

My first novel completed, I joined the Florida Writers Association to enter my unpublished manuscript in competition for the Royal Palm Literary Awards. One of the friends I had made in the local critique group coordinated the volunteers for FWA’s annual conference....

Mystery Novel: The Idea Journey

Before I wrote my first mystery novel, I made a career as an investigator with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Logic dictated that I keep my first foray into writing within the familiar genre of mystery novel or crime novel. All I had to...

Writing a First Novel: The Writing Journey Begins

Tips for writing a first novel. Fifteen years ago I decided to shift gears and write a novel. My writing background up to that point consisted of investigative reports, regulations, rulings, press releases, plus an untold plethora of correspondence. I had proven I...